Sunday, February 27, 2011

Real Estate Conman Faces 400 Years Prison

Former real estate mogul, Doug Vaughan, was arrested in a North Valley home Friday morning on criminal charges stemming from a multi-million dollar Ponzi scheme. He rightfully faces close to 400 years prison. The charges are more severe and time for this type of white collar crime is no longer a slap on the wrist it might as well be life at 400 years. He won't be spending someone else's money where he's going.



At February 27, 2011 at 10:07 AM , Blogger Brass Balls Pawn said...

Criminals like this used to be able to steal, get caught spend a few months in prison, get out and spend the money. Not anymore. The penalty now fits the crime. He won't be spending someone else's money where he's going. It may take the federal-state investigation, Securities Division Regulation and Licensing Department, FBI, U.S. Postal Inspection Service and U.S. Secret Service at bit of time sometimes years to put their case together, but the objective is to build a solid case prior to arrest and eventual conviction. The strong arm of the law eventually does come down hard--much harder in recent years than previously when white collar criminals were put in country club prisons for a vacation. Not anymore, they are now housed with the rest of the criminal population for an extended lifetime stay where they belong. Good riddance to the scum of society.


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